Project Activity Reports

Literature Scan Report
The Literature Scan was the first of four qualitative research activities conducted in year one of the Measurement Matters project to inform tool development. The goal of this literature scan was two-fold: 1) To help refine the conceptual definition of patient engagement in research, and 2) To source a "bank" of potential PCOR-EM domains, measurable outcomes, and measurement concepts. Click the image to read the full report.
Consensus Methods Survey One Findings
The Measurement Matters research team used a multi-phase consensus survey as an iterative way to gather feedback from a diverse group of engagement experts on a definition of engagement and a pool of key concepts for measurement. Experts, for the purpose of this study, included individuals with experience applying or participating in research engagement activities. More specifically, we divided experts into three groups: • People who conducted engaged research (engaged researchers, facilitators), • People who had been engaged (patient partners, community partners), and • People based in the continental USA, at least 18 years old, and able to complete a survey in English. Our Consensus Method approach was informed by the methodology used to develop the Patient Activation Measure (PAM), a tool that measures patient engagement in health decision-making and, when applied, is associated with positive outcomes for patients. Click the image to read the full report.
Consensus Methods Survey Two Findings
The Measurement Matters research team is using a multi-phase consensus methods survey as an iterative way to gather feedback from a diverse group of engagement experts on a definition of engagement and a pool of key concepts for measurement. Experts, for the purpose of this study, include individuals with experience applying or participating in research engagement activities. More specifically, we break experts intro three groups: • People who conduct engaged research (engaged researchers, facilitators), or • People who have been engaged (patient partners, community partners), and • People based in the continental USA, are at least 18 years old, and can complete a survey in English The methodology used to develop the Patient Activation Measure (PAM), a tool that measures patient engagement in health decision making and has positive outcomes for patients, informed our consensus methods survey approach. Click the image to read the full report.
Consensus Methods Survey One Summary
Measurement Matters is a project funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) (SOE-2022C2-28570) that aims to better understand what “engaged research” looks like, and to build a tool to measure it. Through a series of surveys, engagement experts were asked to prioritize the elements in defining successful engagement and rank concepts for measurement from most important to least. Click the image to read the full report.
Consensus Methods Survey TWO SUMMARY
Measurement Matters is a project funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) (SOE-2022C2-28570). Measurement Matters aims to better understand what “engaged research” looks like and build a tool to measure it. We used Consensus Methods to inform how we define engaged research and help rank elements of engagement by importance (Survey One) and by difficulty (Survey Two). This summarizes findings from Consensus Methods Survey Two. Click the image to read the full report. Findings from Survey One and other phases of study can be found above.
Focus Group Findings Report
The research team used focus groups to engage a diverse group of experts to inform measurement development. Experts, for the purpose of this study, included individuals with experience applying or participating in research engagement activities. More specifically, focus group participants were people who conduct engaged research (e.g., researchers and facilitators) and people who have been engaged (e.g., patient partners and community partners). This report provides a summary of the focus group methods used for Measurement Matters and the findings that resulted from this work. Click the image to read the full report.
Measurement Matters is a project funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) (SOE- 2022C2-28570). Measurement Matters aims to better understand what “engaged research” looks like and build a tool to measure it. We used Focus Groups as one of several method to do this. Click the image to read the full snapshot.