Chapter 11, “Cash & Counseling: Empowering Elders and People with Disabilities to Make Personal Care Decisions” co-authored by Erin McGaffigan, Ph.D., and Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D. explores how Cash and Counseling programs empower elders and people with disabilities to make personal care decisions.

Chapter 8, "Approaches to Empowering Individuals and Communities," co-authored by Erin McGaffigan, Ph.D., Kevin J. Mahoney, Ph.D., Mark Sciegaj, Karen Zgoda, and Ellen Mahoney addresses how empowering individuals through participant-directed approaches is becoming more common at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.

Co-authors Erin McGaffigan, Ph.D., Emma Quach, and Darlene O'Connor describe the influence and importance of support brokers in self-direction in this Professional Case Management Journal article.
While focusing on the experiences of Cash & Counseling states, this research provided a strong foundation for understanding and implementing meaningful and effective engagement practices in the design and improvement of a broad range of public programs and policies.

Chapter 1, "Theory and Practice of User Involved Research" co-authored by Erin McGaffigan, Dani Skenadore Foster, Sophia Webber, and Missy Destrampe. Explores how the application of user involvement in the design and implementation of research has progressed through various frameworks and is an increasingly recognized and expected as a key element of ethical research methodologies.

Co-authors Erin McGaffigan, Ph.D, Chris Oliveira, BS, Diane Enochs, BA, MA, address the importance of including the "special populations" of individuals with disabilities and the elderly in disaster planning and response.
Erin McGaffigan (née Barrett), Ph.D., explores her personal challenges in advocating for her grandmother while navigating the nursing home system in Massachusetts in this 2006 contribution to the Journal of American Geriatrics Society’s Clinical Trials and Tribulations column.